Buke and Gass

Updates need to be more regular.

I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy and far away from the internet (okay, so maybe not that far).

Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. and Alexander Campos organized a show at the Center for Book Arts called Racism: An American Family Value. The show was amazing, and I’ll be posting some pictures soon. If you are living or visiting in NYC, you should be sure to go check out the exhibit before it closes.

For opening night, Amos printed some amazing postcards.

The Jen Bekman Gallery has a new show up that I checked out on its opening night. Summer Reading has work from some of my current favorite artists & photographers such as Kate Bingaman-Burt, Kelly Shimoda, and Alec Soth.

I have to admit I really enjoyed Kelly’s I guess you don’t want to talk to me anymore series:

Since I moved back to New York, I’ve also been going to see a good bit of music.

Last night I saw a band called Buke and Gass. It was one of the best sounding live shows I’ve been to this year, and I can’t wait to see them again soon. They’ve got some pretty interesting instrumentation (I think). If you’re in New York on August 29th, you should come with me to see them.

Photograph by Grant Cornett for Buke and Gass (stolen from their myspace):

Today some of my favorite people (Christopher Doyle & John Banister) are in performing Rhys Chatham’s “A Crimson Grail” along with 198 other guitarists and 16 bassists at Lincoln Center’s Damrosch Park Bandshell. The New York Times has a nice write up about the event.

I’m also in the process of uploading some vernacular type images from my Mississippi to Colorado trip. Check some of them out!


Food Porn

For the past month, I have actually managed to cook. Cook REAL food. No TV dinners. No frozen pizzas. I have actually managed to make things I only once dreamed of making.

Key lime cheesecake? Check.
Artichoke Casserole? Check.
Coconut Pancakes?? Triple Check.

As I began my “I will cook all my meals or else” journey, one of my friends suggested that I check out Taste Spotting. When I asked her what it was, she replied with: ” Sarah, it’s totally food porn.”

Taste Spotting is a ” community driven visual potluck.” The description is fitting. I dare you to take a look at it, and tell me you don’t want to make everything and anything that you see pop up. It’s setup like we love typography, but instead of type lovin’, you get a whole lot of foooooooood lovin’.

Here’s what I made this weekend:

New York City Visit

As school here at Mississippi State ended, I was lucky enough to have a free plane ticket to anywhere in the continental US (I was asked to wait for the next flight because they oversold last May. The flight was their thank you to me). I chose to go to where I will be living this summer, New York City.

It was a lazy trip to the city, as I didn’t go crazy to see all the sites. I mostly concentrated on seeing friends, the few interviews that I had, and . . . the FOOD.

I really like to eat.

Some of the really amazing places I went were:

Blackbird Parlour in Williamsburg

Miracle in Parkslope

Soho Natural in Soho

I’m excited to be back there in two weeks for at least the next two months. It’s too bad that I’ve challenged myself to not eat out for one month. We’ll see how that goes.

this post actually dates: May 19th, 2009

The End of a busy 9 months.

For the past 9 months, I’ve been in Mississippi teaching up a storm. The academic year is over, and I’ve finally decided to update the web space that bares my name. I gave a presentation to the art faculty here at the end of my year at Mississippi State University, and I just wanted to share a few images from that presentation that show the crazy-fun that has been this year.

MSU AIGA group (I was their faculty advisor. Be aware, this is but one sixth of the group):

Pix(elated!) Opening (MSU AIGA 4th Annual National Student Competition and Show):

Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. Letterpress Workshop:

An Independent study I did with Carl Carbonell called Get American:

And Finally, a Letterpress Workshop with Brad Vetter from Hatch Show Print:

this post actually dates: May 4th, 2009